Thursday, January 8, 2009

Short Note on 'cash'te-ism

Originally, modern humanity had two castes – man and woman. The difference between them having become blurred now, we might redefine elementary castes as the ruled and the ruling. Segregation within the community on the lines of power has always been there in all societies; still is, and would be, call it by any name. Genetic technology would make birth-based caste further irrelevant.

Merit would always out. That is why we know of the great Brahmins and Kshatriyas of the Puranic times only through the stories created by meritorious lower caste Valmikis and Vyasas.

But for the caste columns, that the administration wants to be filled up, caste-ism is very insignificant to a major section of Indians. Taking away those columns in the case of those who do not want any affirmative benefits, would be a good initial step to remove current caste-ism quicker.

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